Cloverpop Blog
Cloverpop’s blog explores how the Decision Intelligence revolution is changing business leadership.

Decision Back Podcast: Consumer Insights With Sarb Dhanjal-Brown Of Blue Diamond
Our latest Decision-Back Podcast is available now! It’s a fascinating conversation between the brilliant Sarb Dhanjal-Brown, Director of Consumer Insights, Analytics & Consumer..

Exciting New Decision Tree Editor with Training Videos
We have an exciting update to share! Today, our team released an update to the decision tree editor in the Cloverpop Web App which will greatly reduce the effort required to..

How Decision Intelligence Will Finally Change Decision-Making From Mystical To Mundane
Technology research and consulting firm Gartner, Inc. identified Decision Intelligence as a top strategic trend for 2022. Analyst Dr. Pieter J. den Hamer begins his detailed..

Cloverpop’s Decision Playbooks Are A Game Changer
Last week, our fantastic product team of American and Ukrainian developers released a game-changing update to Cloverpop’s decision playbooks. Here’s what that means for you.

Cloverpop Training Videos: User Guidance
As you start to use Cloverpop, these training videos can provide useful guidance for performing basic tasks.

Can Market Researchers Save The Day By Becoming Decision Scientists?
Decision-making is both the most important and most poorly managed business activity. These two numbers tell the tale:

How To Drive CPG Growth From Within Using The Decision-Back Approach
The consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is experiencing unprecedented change. CPG leaders were already struggling to navigate a more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous..

Since Data Scientists Don’t Do Business Decisions – Businesses Need Decision Scientists
Twenty years ago, there was a great reckoning in the market research industry. After spending decades mastering the collection and analysis of survey data, the banality of..

Is VUCA Really The Enemy Of Good Decision-Making?
Coined by military strategists to describe the post-Cold War world, VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity. I first learned of the concept as an Air Force..

The New Normal? Five Questions To Reinvent Decision-Making After Covid-19
“Business decision-making has changed more in the past six months than in the previous sixty years,” according to Eugene Roytburg, Ph.D., decision science expert and CEO of..

Why Decision-Making Needs To Top Your 2022 Growth Agenda
Every business executive should wear a charm bracelet on their wrist bangled with this statistic: Decisions = 95% Why that statistic? It comes from a ten-year-old study by Bain &..

Finding Decision-Driven Growth From Within
The topic of growth remains a top priority for every executive. In a recent Gartner CEO survey, 53% of executives stated “growth” as a top priority, a whopping 20% higher than the..