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Cloverpop Blog

Cloverpop’s blog explores how the Decision Intelligence revolution is changing business leadership.

The diversity gap is relatively easy to measure.

How To Use Inclusive Decision-Making To Drive Innovation And Performance

What are you doing to unlock the power of inclusion in your organization? Our recent research reveals the pernicious inclusion gap between workforce diversity and inclusive..

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Multi-generation business team.

Future Of Work: Research Shows Millennials, Gen Xers And Baby Boomers Make Better Decisions Together

Is it better to have “up-and-comers” or “more seasoned” employees making decisions at your company? It turns out the best answer is a mix of generations, and it’s a wake-up call..

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How Tech-Savvy Executives Can Accelerate The Decision Cycle

Tech-savvy executives have a pivotal role to play in accelerating the decision cycle. By asking the right questions, they can digitally transform decision making at their..

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5 Steps To Create A Decisive Culture In The Age Of Urgency

Executives sixty years ago could expect their companies to last a lifetime. Executives today will see half of the S&P 500 disappear in the next decade. The business world is in a..

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Diginomica: Cloverpop Shows Sales Teams How To Improve Decision Making

The title of the recent Diginomica article says it all: "Cloverpop Shows Sales Teams How To Make Better Decisions." Industry expert Phil Wainewright's interview with Cloverpop CEO..

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How Our Engineers Accidentally Defeated The Mythical Man-Month...

...And Found A Way To Make Agile Development Even More Agile Every engineering leader knows about the Mythical Man-Month -- the wishful idea that a software project can be..

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Research Shows Diversity + Inclusion = Better Decision Making At Work

Every day there are more headlines about the challenges of workforce diversity. A focus on diversity often means a focus on hiring, and even with substantial investments of time..

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Infographic: Diversity + Inclusion = Better Decision Making At Work

Get the high points of our new research with this infographic, then go deeper into the surprising results and concrete recommendations with our free white paper Hacking Diversity..

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Executives and Thought Leaders Rally Around Inclusive Decision Making To Advance Corporate Diversity

Corporate leaders, diversity experts and authors, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs today expressed their support for the findings uncovered by Cloverpop’s new study revealing the..

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New Research: Inclusive Decision Making Increases Performance Of Diverse Global Companies

Cloverpop today published research that reveals how inclusive decision making allows companies, especially tech companies, to use diversity to improve business performance. The..

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Since Marketing Is More Than Pretty Colors: 7 Proven Decision-Making Hacks For Marketers

Industry trailblazer Regis McKenna once declared, “Marketing is everything, and everything is marketing.” Today that’s more true than ever. Marketing is the connective tissue and..

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Product Managers: Countdown to Transparent Decision Making

Product managers are on the hook to make decisions and build consensus. Nothing is harder. In most organizations, no one reports to product management. The job requires execution..

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