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Cloverpop Blog

Cloverpop’s blog explores how the Decision Intelligence revolution is changing business leadership.


5 Steps To Create A Decisive Culture In The Age Of Urgency

Executives sixty years ago could expect their companies to last a lifetime. Executives today will see half of the S&P 500 disappear in the next decade. The business world is in a..

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Diginomica: Cloverpop Shows Sales Teams How To Improve Decision Making

The title of the recent Diginomica article says it all: "Cloverpop Shows Sales Teams How To Make Better Decisions." Industry expert Phil Wainewright's interview with Cloverpop CEO..

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How Our Engineers Accidentally Defeated The Mythical Man-Month...

...And Found A Way To Make Agile Development Even More Agile Every engineering leader knows about the Mythical Man-Month -- the wishful idea that a software project can be..

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Research Shows Diversity + Inclusion = Better Decision Making At Work

Every day there are more headlines about the challenges of workforce diversity. A focus on diversity often means a focus on hiring, and even with substantial investments of time..

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New Research: Inclusive Decision Making Increases Performance Of Diverse Global Companies

Cloverpop today published research that reveals how inclusive decision making allows companies, especially tech companies, to use diversity to improve business performance. The..

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The Lie at the Heart of Business - Free Decision Making White Paper

Business managers and executives underperform by 20% because of poor decision making. Over the past decade, I have been a leading advocate for a transformation in work. One of the..

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The 7 Step Decision-Making Process for Better Business Decisions

Decision making. It’s the bread and butter of managers and executives, who make about three billion decisions each year. Indeed, Bain & Company research found that decision..

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personality types at work

The Personality Types at Work and How They Make Decisions

Understanding personality types at work can significantly impact team dynamics and decision-making processes. Companies commonly use personality assessments, such as the..

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Forbes: Six Simple Decision Practice Metrics To Kill Bad Meetings And Emails

Business leadership is largely about judgment and decisiveness. So it's no surprise that a Bain & Company study found that decision practices drive 95% of business performance...

Read More 5 Apps To Help You Make Better Decisions

It's no wonder this article is so popular...who doesn't want to make better decisions? As the article says:

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3 Best Practices for High Performance Decision-Making Teams

Whether you call them teams, committees, boards or task forces, we all know that groups outperform individuals. Teams do better not only because they put more people to work on a..

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